A Walking Rainbow

A Walking Rainbow

Love is set ablaze in the heart of savvy Mathematics student Calyx, who sporadically finds himself entangled in a love ...

About this book


Love is set ablaze in the heart of savvy Mathematics student Calyx, who sporadically
finds himself entangled in a love circus with talented Psychology student, Nadine,
who had coaxed him to join a liberating creative writing group.

As a nerd-herd, Calyx fumbles with what he is not ready to handle and the aftermath
of making a decision based on his emotions. As college life unfolds, will Calyx and
Nadine be able to guard what they deem dear to their hearts to the detriment of their
academic work? Come along for the journey in this poetic and surreal creative piece!

  • Published

    31st January 2019

  • Subject areas

    • love
    • poetry
    • high school
    • college
    • education
    • self-discovery
    • betrayal

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